Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Things I hate: "Celebrities are normal people!"

So I was browsing through old blogs on SAPL (Stuff Asian People Like) and I got to this article: Stuff Asians Don't Like.

Basically, the articles goes something like Miley Cyrus makes Asian face, Asian people don't like it, Miley Cyrus makes half-assed "apology" and Asians don't like it.

But despite the fact that I don't think white bitches should be using their fingers to "slant" their eyes if they don't want me to staple it that way (come on people, isn't it time to just get over it? We don't always talk about how fat and lazy and stupid white people are................), I found the fact that people defending her are saying stuff like "Oh, she's just a teenager. She's just messing around." and "Stop being so hard on her. It's not like you've never done it."

Yeah, you're right. I have done it. But I'm not paid 18 million dollars a year to be a role model to deadbeat kids who look up to this slut. Yeah, I'm jealous, I admit, who wouldn't be? She doesn't have talent, got a free ride because her one-hit wonder dad wrote that achy-breaky heart song, is somewhat attractive but always seems to bring on the fug in her "candid" pictures by having dirty looking hair and that hideous fish lips face that every white bitch in America seems to be doing. Granted, I've never seen a full episode of her show, but after years of watching Disney as a kid, I doubt her acting is superb. Listened to a few songs, catchy beat, but horrible voice.

But I digress, a lot. Anyways, my main point is that celebrities are NOT normal people. Normal people do not have paparazzi following them, hoping that their scandalous pictures could be sold for millions. Naked pictures of me would sell for like a dollar, but oh man, naked pictures of Lindsay and Britney fetched so much dough (though, my studies show that the more times you do it, people lose interest EXPONENTIALLY). And to be honest, I can see Miley following close behind. Whoo, wait till she becomes legal.

But I've never met this Miley person. I don't really know what her character is, what her personality is. For all I know, she could be someone I could hang with (if I ever hung out with white people) but from what I can see. No.

That's the great thing about celebrities. You can make total assumptions about them without even trying. When these people decided to be famous, they signed away their life and freedom. For that fame, people like me, who pay a pretty penny to see celebrities fall from their pedestal (which you have to admit is much more entertaining than some clean cut image) and honestly make me feel a little better about myself. So, why should I give a shit about celebrities who get butt hurt over stupid shit? Why defend them? They aren't normal people. If they were normal people, we would be like them, and you don't see me on a TV show that girls absolutely worship.

Psh, normal people my ass.

(btw, it's 5am. I've been up all night. College is really fucking with me... or maybe it's just me fucking up my own life. Oooh, self-sabotage.

I wonder if I'm always this bitter when I lack sleep...)

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