Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dorm Bathrooms.

I love living in the dorms. My floor is probably the BEST floor to live on. There are all these really cool people and we're just one tight knit group. Unfortunately, it would be so much better if the bathrooms didn't suck. One of the reasons why I didn't want to live in a typical dorm floor was because I didn't want to share the bathroom with 25 girls as opposed to a suite that has a bathroom for 6-8 people.

And on the first week, I had my horrors confirmed. The floor is one big party floor, so it's kind of inevitable that something like this would happen, but there was vomit in the sink. Yes. Vomit. You can only assume that someone tried to drink more than they can handle and they thought the sink was a perfectly fine place to hurl their load. Disgusting. When I tried to brush my teeth that day, I kept getting gap reflexes and almost choked on my toothbrush.

Girls, it is so hard to throw up in the toilet, trashcan, or even the shower? At least I don't have to see it. Throw up in the toilet/shower, I can use another one, but at the sink, I always see it. Ugh, gross.

Whoever made that myth about girls being clean and their bathrooms being the best is a fucking liar... or haven't experienced a real girl's bathroom.

Seriously, the bathrooms are disgusting. The showers have hair ALL THE TIME. Girls, you know what I'm talking about. We shed hair like a dog sheds fur. And it's gross. But of course, we don't put it up because the floor is disgusting. By the way, for the first week, I made the horrible mistake of not wearing shower shoes... OH MY FUCKING GOD. My toenails started to PEEL off. It was so gross. I was immediately scared into putting on flip-flops in the shower. Wtf is in the shower that would make my nails PEEL off? *shudders*

Guys have it easy. For the most part, guys have short hair so no one notices when you guys shed your hair. But for a girl's long hair not to be noticed to to not see a giant tarantula crawling on your arm.

Another big problem about the bathroom is that it STINKS. It's not even "OMG, POO" stink, it's some kind of permanent stink. It's like something is wrong with the pipes and the smells is permeating through the tiles. It's disgusting. Why isn't housing doing anything about this? I'm paying $3000+ on a bathroom that permanently smells like shit? At least hang some air fresheners or something! I'm sure that $3000 can afford you a few!

In any case, it takes a lot of willpower to even want to use the stupid bathroom. I only go there to shower and to brush my teeth. Everything else, I would have to be needing to go REALLY badly or I just use another bathroom. By the way, the bathrooms in Kemper (engineering building) is really clean. Probably cause there are hardly any women there.

If it weren't for the people and the proximity to campus, I would totally nix dorms.

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